
Historic Fresco Paintings at Siena's City Hall

Siena is filled with important areas of cultural heritage and artistic signifigance.  One place that is very worthwhile to see in the city center is Palazzo Pubblico, the historic city hall.  Construction of Palazzo Pubblico began in 1297, and inside it is encrusted with noteworthy fresco paintings.  A particular highlight is the "Sala della Pace" (room of peace) which is home to the early 14th century fresco cycle by the famous Sienese Ambrogio Lorenzetti "The Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government. 

Parts of Palazzo Pubblico are today run as a civic museum whereas other areas of the building still house city offices, including the mayor!  Yet another example that in Siena history does not just remain in the past but continues to be part of contemporary society!

More information about Ambrogio Lorenzetti's fresco cycle at Palazzo Pubblico and other examples of his significant paintings can be found on the Google Arts and Culture: